common speech issues

Common Speech Issues Orthodontic Treatment Can Help

Common speech issues affect many patients. While most people think speech problems are developmental delays or just a part of learning, they may have a different cause. There are several common speech issues that orthodontic treatment may help. In fact, some common speech issues are actually just a problem with the layout of your jaw […]

orthodontic elastics

Orthodontic Elastics FAQs

Orthodontic elastics can be a bothersome part of your journey to a straighter smile. While many people don’t like orthodontic elastics, they are an important part of getting you the smile you’ve always dreamed about. Let’s drive into the FAQs about elastics, since many patients ask “do I have to wear orthodontic elastics?” Orthodontic Elastics […]

uncomfortable braces

Uncomfortable Braces Dinner Ideas

Uncomfortable braces can be a nuisance. While you won’t often experience pain, the pressure of having your braces tightened can be bothersome. On the days when you are really dealing with uncomfortable braces, finding foods that don’t add to your discomfort can be helpful. The most uncomfortable days are braces-tightening days for most patients. To […]

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